HOME   Call 1-800-9-UNIMAX    Tattoo Supplies 35st Anniversary (Legal Unimax Entity Created 1989)   Index 

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From New York
I owe it all to Andy Keator, Retired Submarine Machinest turned Tattoo Supplier in New Jersey who created the 2-part Star tattoo frame and taught me everything about machine manufacturing, how to make needles, machine tubes, make coil cores, roll coils and innovate.
Carefully Selected
35 Years Commercial Experience
Not Just a Sales Company.
Bona Fide   -   Authentic
 -  Original


Brush vs. Brushless Motor



Power Packs for
every connection type.
$29.95 and up.


T-1 Machine $150.00
Get a Tattanator - $150.00
We want you to discover the Tattanator.

Use as Back-Up for RCA-Capable Pen Machines
Tattanator-Ready Star & Apollos

Original Unimax Coil Designs

Unimax Invention - Front Mount


Liner or Shader Coil Machines

Also Let Hand Coil Machines

4-Oz Alum -- 9-Oz Brass -- 6-Oz Alum


Apollo & Star

2-Part Frames

Star Index

Jaws Index

Strongman Index


 Miniature Machine

A Word
about Polarity

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E-Mail:  UNIMAX@PIPELINE.COM (212) 925-1051,1-800-9-UNIMAX, Fax: 212-925-7424 Web: Entire Contents Copyright 2009. UNIMAX SUPPLY CO INC 269 Canal St, N.Y., N.Y. 10013 No reproduction of any or all contents without written permission.  WWW.UNIMAXSUPPLY.COM